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»Excited Over ›Elektra.‹. Appeals for Tickets Pouring in from All Over the World«
in: The New York Times, Sonntag, 17. Januar 1909, Part Three: Transatlantic Wireless, S. C3

relevant für die veröffentlichten Bände: I/4 Elektra
Appeals for Tickets Pouring in from All Over the World.
BERLIN, Jan. 16, (by telegraph to Clifden, Ireland; thence by wireless.) –

The excitement in musical and artistic circles of Germany over the premier of Richard Strauss’s »Elektra« in Dresden on Jan. 25, is at the boiling point. The management of the Royal Opera there is working day and night answering letters and telegraphic appeals for tickets, literally from all the quarters of the earth.

The beautiful theatre on the banks of the Elbe, which is so familiar to American visitors in Germany, could have been filled ten times over, so extraordinary has been the demand for places for »Elektra’s« first night.

Strauss will not conduct, as at first arranged. The baton will be in the hands of Leo Blech or Dr. Mück [sic] of the Berlin Opera. The management at Dresden has assembled a brilliant cast for the premier, although the only name well known to Americans is that of Mme. Schumann-Heink, who will sing Klytemnestra. Elektra will be done by Frau Krull.

»Strauss Week,« which will follow the »Elektra« debut, promises to become the most notable musical event in recent German history. Strauss himself will lead the orchestra at the production of his »Sinfonia Domestica« and »Salome,« Herr von Schuch will conduct for »Elektra« and »Feuersnot.« The »Week« will be inaugurated Jan. 24 with a mass meeting of Strauss admirers, at which Prof. Oscar Bie will deliver an address on the music of the day, chiefly devoted to an appreciation of Strauss’s works.

The Berlin première of »Elektra« will take place on Feb. 8. Several of the half-dozen Americans on the Kaiser’s operatic pay roll will appear in the cast. If the King and Queen of England happen to arrive in time it is possible that the occasion will be graced by their presence as well as that of the Kaiser and the German imperial family.

verantwortlich für die Edition dieses Dokuments: Sebastian Bolz, Adrian Kech


Richard Strauss Werke. Kritische Ausgabe – Online-Plattform, richard‑strauss‑ (Version 2021‑09‑30).

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